01.10.2024 18:00-19:00
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Skeppsholmen, Stockholm

Unboxing: A Floating Palace

Interior of M/S Kungsholm. 1928. Carl Bergsten. ArkDes Collection.

Among sea gods and dolphins, ArkDes delves into the exclusive interior of the ocean liner Kungsholm, which sailed between Gothenburg and New York nearly a century ago.

In architect Carl Bergsten’s collection, we find the drawings of the ship’s interior. Within these sketches lie everything from mythological sea creatures to dancing couples. Together with Robach, Curator for the exhibition Swedish Grace – Art and Design in 1920s Sweden at Nationalmuseum, we retrieve the old boat from the depths of the sea and uncover the treasures hidden beneath the waves!

Moderator: Max Ahrent, curator, ArkDes.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


ArkDes Collection

Free of charge. Limited seats.


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