Visions in the North step 2
In Norrbotten and Västerbotten, some of the largest investments ever in green transition, technology and infrastructure are currently underway. The investment places great demands on more housing, attractive living environments and long-term sustainability. How can we create sustainable housing in a short period of time while utilising existing resources and creating good quality living environments in the long term?
Good living environments are shaped by continuity, multiple perspectives and local knowledge. With this in mind, the work continues with the project Visions in the North step 2, an independent part of Visions: in the North, which was carried out in 2022. Behind the initiative is the Council for Sustainable Cities, led by ArkDes, in collaboration with Boden, Gällivare, Kiruna, Luleå, Skellefteå and Umeå.
Through a call for proposals in spring 2024, the Council for Sustainable Cities selected six interdisciplinary teams of designers, architects, designers and other innovation actors to take on concrete sites in the municipalities. The starting point is to create sustainable living environments. The initiative aims to explore and bring new eyes into the urban design process and find new ways to create long-term management and development strategies.
Process – the work of the teams
The project consists of two phases. The first phase of the project started in May 2024 and ended in January 2025. During this period, the six selected teams have worked in and with their respective municipalities. The teams have inventoried and analysed locations, conditions and needs. Based on the analysis, they have developed concrete ideas and proposals for a development and management plan in response to the municipality’s challenge.
The teams’ proposals include ideas on how to revitalise 550 derelict houses through a new business model, how to clean up an industrial area using tens of thousands of green plants, and how to create a sparkling city square out of snow and ice. Learn more about the teams’ innovative work and reports below.
In February 2025, the project will enter phase two. For phase two, a maximum of three of the six teams will be selected to take their work forward. Through prototyping, they will work with municipalities to explore how temporary solutions can be used for long-term planning and development strategies.
Council for Sustainable Cities – the government's initiative for sustainable urban development
The Council for Sustainable Cities is a collaboration of authorities with the Government’s mission to strengthen municipalities’ ability to develop vibrant and sustainable cities and communities. The Council for Sustainable Cities includes: the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, the Public Health Agency of Sweden, Formas, the Swedish Agency for Participation, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, ArkDes, the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, the Swedish Transport Administration, Vinnova, the Swedish National Heritage Board, the Swedish Arts Council, the county administrative boards and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions.
Boden – Team Boden
Anna Sundman, architect and innovation leader
Olof Landgren, concept and business developer
Magnus Björkman, architect and design manager
Karin Johansson, writer and educator
Erik Berg, construction educator and single-family home organizer
Gällivare – When horizons meet
Martin Allik, landscape architect
Mari Bergset, landscape architect
Heiti Ernits, fil. PhD in Public Administration
Ramona Salo Myrseth, artist, designer and storyteller
Kari Anne Bråthen, ecologist
Kiruna – Tell me more
Erika Henriksson, architect, artist and educator
Fredrik Eklöf, architect and set designer
Mattias Fransson, scriptwriter, actor and director
Luleå – Ice tracks
David Doms, industrial designer
Nina Lintzén, ice and snow researcher
Sam Keshavarz, landscape architect
Annica Doms, industrial designer, form and craft developer
Jan Forsmark, lighting designer
Skellefteå – Örviksgruppen
Josefina Nordmark, architect
Dag Avango, professor of history
Jenny Nordmark, architect, set designer and artist
Dan Hallemar, writer
Umeå – VEX
Pelle Backman, architect and spatial planner
Ebba Hallin, architect and spatial planner
Tomas Mazetti, communications strategist
Åsa Cederqvist, artist and filmmaker
David Sandström, songwriter, musician, music producer and author
Anders Berensson, architect
Lone-Pia Bach, architect and professor of restoration art, Royal Institute of Art
Nils Björling, architect and senior lecturer in urban planning, Chalmers University of Technology
Vinnova ↗, Energimyndigheten ↗ and Formas ↗, within the framework of The Council for Sustainable Cities ↗.
Co-operating partners
Project managed by ArkDes in collaboration with Vinnova ↗, Energimyndigheten ↗,Formas ↗, and Boverket ↗, for The Council for Sustainable Cities ↗, together with the municipalities Boden ↗, Gällivare ↗, Kiruna ↗, Luleå ↗, Skellefteå ↗ and Umeå ↗.
Report release: Visions in the North step 2
Watch six creative teams present their innovative proposals for sustainable community development in Norrbotten and Västerbotten.