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Welcome to ArkDes on September 27th
Café Blom is open as usual

ArkDes is currently closed for refurbishment.

Web Accessibility

We strive for as many as possible to be able to use ArkDes’ website. On this page, we describe how the ArkDes website complies with the law on accessibility to digital public service, any known accessibility issues, and how you can report deficiencies to us so that we can address them.

Technical information on the website’s accessibility

This website is primarily compliant with the law on accessibility to digital public service and WCAG 2.1 level AA. Below is a description of content that is not accessible.

General deficiencies 

  • Some links and interactive elements lack alternative text and are not accessibility adapted. This may refer to reports published before 2020 that have not been adapted for accessibility. 
  • There is also a lack of alternative text for some images on the website. However, we strive to make it accessible. 
  • The requirement for accessible movies and audio applies to material published after September 23, 2020. Movies and audio on the website published before September 23 are not covered by these requirements. 

Therefore, ArkDes highlights the following deficiencies in certain materials: 

  • Some movies lack subtitles. 
  • There are no audio descriptions (audio descriptions) of movies.

What can you do if content on is not accessible to you? 

If you need content from that is not accessible to you, but which is exempt from the law’s scope of application according to the description above, you can contact us via and provide the following: 

  • the web address (URL) of the content 
  • your name and email address 
  • the format you need

Report deficiencies in the website’s accessibility

We are constantly striving to improve the website’s accessibility. If you discover problems that are not described on this page, or if you believe that we are not meeting the legal requirements, contact us via and provide the following:  

  • if it concerns the entire website or a specific page (please specify which) 
  • what you were trying to do 
  • what went wrong

This is important information that we use in our accessibility work.

If you are not satisfied with how we meet accessibility requirements, you can also contact the Agency for Digital Government ↗ and report it. They are responsible for the supervision of the law on accessibility to digital public service. 

Testing of the website

We conduct ongoing internal and external testing of in accordance with the Agency for Digital Government’s ↗ directives.  

  • Testing of ArkDes’ new website (launched in January 2024) will be conducted by an external party shortly.

Questions regarding ArkDes website or web accessibility?