Borrowing rules at ArkDes library
Library card
You can apply for a library card if you live in Stockholm County. Students registered at higher education institution in the Stockholm region can also do so, even if they live elsewhere.
By signing the application for a library card, you accept these borrowing rules.
By receiving and using a library card from ArkDes Library, you enter into a loan agreement. We need to register and use your personal information (name, address, email, phone number and year of birth) to provide library service such as loans and reservations.
We handle your personal information in accordance with GDPR. We will not share your data with other organisations, and we will not use it for anything other than our library service. Information about an individual person’s loans, reservations or other kinds of orders is subject to Chapter 40, Section 3 of the Swedish Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act.
See also ArkDes’ Privacy Policy here.
Borrow books to take home
Books labelled with a barcode may be taken out on loan. Magazines and books from special collections can only be read in the library.
The loan period is 30 days, and you can extend the loan of a book twice as long as it has not been reserved by someone else. You can get in touch by phone during the library’s opening hours or extend the loan via this website ↗.
You will receive a reminder by email if you do not return a book on time. After the second demand, your library card will be blocked and we will send an invoice. A book that has been lost or damaged must be compensated with the book’s value and an administrative fee.
You are personally responsible for books that you borrow. It is not permitted to lend them to anyone else.
Handle books with care. You must not make notes, use self-adhesive post-it notes or paper clips in the library’s books. Never repair a damaged book.
You can return books to the library or leave them in the return box outside the door.
ArkDes Library, contact:
+46 (0)8-527 546 48