ArkDes’ research aims to enhance the understanding of architecture and design and identify new applications for existing knowledge and practices. ArkDes conducts two types of research: one builds knowledge about our collection, and the other commissions contemporary designers to make practice-based research projects in partnership with external organisations.
To ensure high-quality work, ArkDes has an expert group of experts in architecture and design that advises and reviews research. This group is engaged for three-year terms, and its work is documented on an ongoing basis.
Findings from collection-related research are shared with the public through exhibitions, publications, seminars, and symposia. The results of practical research projects are disseminated through seminars, dialogues with other organisations, and evaluations including user interviews and surveys.
National and International Guidelines
ArkDes’s research is guided by the All European Academies’ European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and the Swedish Research Council’s criteria for FAIR research data, along with the Swedish government’s research policy Prop. 2016/17:50.