How can Ulricehamn’s wastewater treatment plant and the surrounding area be transformed for future needs? Team VERK-SAM has been selected to explore this within the project VERKET, focusing on how innovative design and management can improve the use of seemingly outdated resources.
On September 27, 2024, ArkDes will reopen after a year of refurbishments! Recycled materials have been transformed into new furniture and structures that highlight ArkDes' unique collection.
The documentary "Lewerentz Divine Darkness" by Sven Blume is now showing on SVT Play, a personal portrait of the legendary and acclaimed architect Sigurd Lewerentz.
The highlight of the autumn and winter season, the gingerbread house exhibition, is back after a year's break. For everyone who wants to bake or visit Sweden's most fragrant exhibition, here are some important dates to keep in mind.
The museum's exhibition halls have been redesigned by the architectural duo Arrhov Frick. With a new entrance, a new collection exhibition, and free admission throughout the fall, we look forward to welcoming all visitors back to ArkDes.
ArkDes and Ulricehamn Municipality are seeking one team with design expertise to explore how Ulricehamn's waterworks can be transformed to meet future needs. Apply by August 30.
Ice and snow researchers, designers, screenwriters, and architects are examples of professionals who will explore new methods to meet the needs associated with the green industrial transition in Norrbotten and Västerbotten.
Photo: Daniel McCarthy. 2023.
ArkDes initiates successful pilot project bringing national policy for architecture and design to schools. Grounded in the policy and the innovation project Street Moves, students are provided with knowledge and tools to influence the public environment.
ArkDes releases the report 'Sustainability, Quality and Economics.' This annual report serves as a follow-up to the Policy for Designed Living Environment, commissioned by the Swedish Ministry of Culture.
On March 6th, ArkDes will present the yearly report on Policy for Designed Living Environment, this year focusing on Sustainability, Quality, and Economy. Welcome to a digital breakfast seminar and report release!
ArkDes guest researchers Elisa López and Marisa Cortright began their work in August 2023 and have spent the last six months delving into the ArkDes collection. Now they have presented their research.