
Visions in the North step 2

Photo: Mats Engfors/Fotographic Arctic bath, Boden.
Norrbotten and Västerbotten

Visions in the North step 2

In Norrbotten and Västerbotten, some of the largest investments ever in green transition, technology and infrastructure are currently underway. This initiative imposes significant demands for more housing, attractive living environments, and long-term sustainability. The challenge is to create sustainable housing in a short period while leveraging existing resources and establishing enduring high-quality living environments.

Sustainable living environments are shaped by continuity, multiple perspectives and local knowledge. With this starting point, the work on the project ‘Visions in the North step 2‘ continues, which is an independent part of the earlier ‘Visions in the North step 1‘, conducted in 2022. The project is led by the Council for Sustainable Cities, managed by ArkDes, in collaboration with Boden, Gällivare, Kiruna, Luleå, Skellefteå and Umeå municipalities.

Through a call for proposals during spring 2024, the Council for Sustainable Cities sought interdisciplinary teams of designers, architects, visual artists and other innovation actors to address specific locations in the municipalities. The starting point is to create sustainable living environments. The purpose of the call is to explore and bring fresh perspectives into the urban development process, aiming to discover new methods for formulating long-term management and development strategies.

The Council for Sustainable Cities – the Swedish government's initiative for sustainable urban development

The Council for Sustainable Cities is a collaborative effort among Sweden’s government agencies with the mandate to enhance municipalitiesconditions for developing vibrant and sustainable cities and communities. The Council includes: Boverket, Folkhälsomyndigheten, Formas, Myndigheten för delaktighet, Naturvårdsverket, ArkDes, Energimyndigheten, Tillväxtverket, Trafikverket, Vinnova, Riksantikvarieämbetet, Statens konstråd, as well as the county administrative boards and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR).

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Photo: Mats Engfors, Fotographic. 2024. Ă–dehus, Boden.
Photo: Daniel Sonntag. 2024. Älvrummet, Vassara älv, Gällivare.
Photo: Clara Nyström. 2024. Svappavaara, Kiruna.
Photo: LuleĂĄ kommun. 2024. Isbanan, LuleĂĄ.
Photo: Patrick Degerman. 2024. Ă–rviken, SkellefteĂĄ.
Image: White arkitekter. 2024. Tomtebo strand, UmeĂĄ.

Boden – Team Boden
Anna Sundman, architect and innovation leader
Olof Landgren, concept and business developer
Magnus Björkman, architect
Karin Johansson, writer and educator
Erik Berg, construction educator

Gällivare – När horisonter möts
Martin Allik, landscape architect
Mari Bergset, landscape architect
Heiti Ernits, Ph.D. in Public Administration
Ramona Salo Myrseth, artist, designer and storyteller
Kari Anne BrĂĄthen, ecologist

Kiruna – Berätta mig vidare
Erika Henriksson, architect, artist and educator
Fredrik Eklöf, architect and scenographer
Mattias Fransson, screenwriter, actor and director

Luleå – Isspår
David Doms, industrial designer
Nina Lintzén, ice and snow researcher
Sam Keshavarz, landscape architect
Annica Doms, industrial designer, form and craft developer
Jan Forsmark, lighting designer

Skellefteå – Örviksgruppen
Josefina Nordmark, architect
Dag Avango, professor of history
Jenny Nordmark, architect, scenographer and artist
Dan Hallemar, writer

Umeå – VEX
Pelle Backman, architect and physical planner
Ebba Hallin, architect and physical planner
Tomas Mazetti, communication strategist
Ă…sa Cederqvist, artist and filmmaker
David Sandström, songwriter, musician, music producer and author


Anders Berensson, architect
Lone-Pia Bach, architect and professor of Architectural Conservation, Royal Institute of Art
Nils Björling, architect and Senior Lecturer in Urban Design and Planning, Chalmers University of Technology
