Open calls

Open Call: Power of Places

Photo: Björn Olin. 2023. Rosengård, Malmö.

If we stop producing new things and instead take care of existing materials, opportunities and people, what kind of development and aesthetics would that allow for? In the Open Call ‘Power of Places’, part of ArkDes’ practise-based research initiative 2023, the task is to explore ways and means to utilize, gently develop and strengthen local values in urban development.

In order to create transformation, we need to draw on all existing resources – including materials, knowledge and experiences – and build carefully on what we already have. Together, architecture, art and design can offer the tools for more place-based models of development, and show how new ways of working can lead to remarkable places and encounters.

In 2023, the City of Malmö is collaborating with Copenhagen, World Capital of Architecture 2023. In connection to this, ArkDes and the City of Malmö are launching a call for proposals with the aim to explore what happens when local resources and local knowledge are at the centre of development. The call is carried out with the support of the Society for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Green Parks in Malmö.

Power of Places focuses on Rosengård and Nyhamnen, two different geographies with different conditions and needs. Two selected interdisciplinary teams will be tasked with inventorying each site, exploring new ways of working and, finally, developing full-scale prototypes that can be the starting point of new approaches for development and maintenance of the two areas. The assignment also includes exploring the relationship and the possible exchange between the two geographies.

The call is open to interdisciplinary teams consisting of at least one person with design expertise – such as architect, designer, artist or designer.

Photo: Apelöga/Malmö stad. 2023. Nyhamnen, Malmö.