09.10.2024 16:00-16:45
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Skeppsholmen, Stockholm

Oracle Walks – Test session

Illustration: Bettina Schwalm. Collage on walking practices.

Come to ArkDes and test Oracle Walks, a new tool designed to challenge and change how we move on foot in cities today!

What if you could choose your walking route not just based on efficiency but on the path with the most benches, the greenest trails, or the best break up spots? What would you want to avoid or discover when time efficiency is the guiding principle?

Oracle Walks, powered by ChatGPT and Maps, offers unique ways to explore your surroundings and aims to provide access to new ways of walking. Oracle Walks is ready to be tested, and now we need your feedback to further develop the concept. Welcome!


16:00 Introduction to the research project Gångbart
16:10 Test Oracle Walks
16:30 Feedback session

This test session is part of the research project Gångbart, which explores the technopolitics of walking and aims to increase understanding of walking and its role in the creation of public spaces.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Torget at ArkDes.

 Free of charge.


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