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School programme: Building A Society
Year: 1–3
This programme explores what is needed to build a functioning society. Which functions are essential, and how do people want to live? How have ideas evolved over time, and what were the visions for the future? The journey begins in ArkDes’ collection, examining how architects, designers, and urban planners have conceptualised and shaped the past, present, and future. Inspired by maps, drawings, and models, students will discover how democracy, architecture, and design have influenced the development of cities and communities. Finally, in the Studio, students will create their own city based on their unique visions.
Curriculum connections: National Curriculum for the Compulsory School System 2011 (Lgr22): Technology, Art and Social study subjects.
The program is free of charge. Max 30 pupils per session.
ArkDes reserves the right to charge a no-show fee of 1000 SEK.