Open Call 2021
Click here to read the full Open Call text. In Swedish.
ArkDes is launching Open Call 2021 to promote practice-oriented research in architecture, design, and planning. This year’s theme is ‘shared spaces and interspaces’. The call is aimed at professionals in the design field who want to develop an idea. The maximum amount per application is 250,000 SEK, and we intend to fund 4-6 projects.
We believe that design and architecture can provide solutions for better community development. At its best, design can inspire entirely new visions and show the way forward. Therefore, ArkDes aims to support innovative projects that develop ideas, visions, and methods for better shaping our communities. The purpose of the call is to create financial space for professionals in the design field to further develop or implement practice-based, investigative projects that address challenges and issues related to today’s and tomorrow’s designed living environments.
Click here to read the full Open Call text. In Swedish.