Skeppsholmen, Stockholm

Conference 2024: Designed Living Environment – How to Count?

Welcome to this year’s conference on Designed Living Environment. This year’s theme is How to Count?

How much does quality cost? Do we need and can we think and calculate in new ways? The conference brings together property owners, construction actors, municipalities, and authorities to collectively listen to inspiring examples and discuss how we create and ensure attractive living environments and manage existing values – for today’s residents and for future generations.

During the morning session, we will hear from various actors who develop and discuss how to achieve sustainable and high-quality construction that is not subordinated to short-term economic considerations. The afternoon offers several inspiring and educational examples from different parts of Sweden on how we can work consciously with both material and intangible values, all to achieve sustainability and quality in the creation of our shared living environments.

We will also broaden our perspective with two keynote speakers, one Swedish and one international, who will address the conference theme.

Plus, we’ll announce the winners of the ‘Årets strålkastare’ award – recognizing those who’ve set the bar high in the field of Designed Living Environments.

The physical event (300 seats) takes place at ArkDes on Skeppsholmen in Stockholm. You can always follow the conference live digitally. Both physical and digital participation require pre-registration through a ticket.

When: October 2, 2024, 08:30–16:15.

Where: Physically at ArkDes, Stockholm, as well as broadcasted live.

How: Free full-day conference

About the conference

Since 2020, the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning ↗, the Swedish National Heritage Board ↗, ArkDes and Public Art Agency Sweden ↗ annually arrange a conference about Designed Living Environment. The conference is aimed at those working at municipal, regional, and national levels, within academia or as private practitioners.

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Report 2023: Sustainability, Quality and Economics