
Young Swedish Design 2019

Photo: Jeanette Hägglund. 2019.
Skeppsholmen, Stockholm

Young Swedish Design 2019

Discover the most intriguing new designs from Sweden’s young creatives. The exhibition Young Swedish Design displays unique pieces from a range of disciplines: from product design to crafts.

Young Swedish Design (Ung Svensk Formprovides a window to the future and a platform for young designers to showcase their ideas.

The exhibition is the result of an award with the same name. Young Swedish Design 2019 is a co-production by ArkDes and Svensk Form (The Swedish Society of Crafts and Design), with support from IKEA and The City of Malmö.

Simon Skinner, Afropicks

Jan Klingler, Bacteria in a new light

Emmeli Rolleberg, Berggrund

Mikaela Steby Stenfalk, Collective Collection

Annelie Grimwade Olofsson och G. William Bell, Common Ground

Marie Isacsson, funYArd

Emelie Röndahl, Google Weaving Stop-time (X)

Mathilda Nordström Florentine, Honest Impression

Stina Randestad, Hybrids

Axel Berner-Eyde & Kenneth Ize, Kenneth Ize

Maja Michaelsdotter Eriksson, Kött och blod / Flesh and blood

Martin Thübeck, Lobster

Jonas Eltes, Lost in Computation

Tonje Halvorsen, Obsession

Robert Curran, Outside Material; The Transfiguration of Lines

Lisa Englund, Printomobil

Saga Bergebo, Stjärnorna ser likadana ut överallt / The stars look the same everywhere

Ludvig Bratt & Calum Mitchell, Swallowed by the Sound / Svald av sundet

Natalie Ruejas Jonson, Syns det nu? / Does it show yet?

Anastasia Jansäter, The Russian Soul

Anna Ting Möller, The Baby Bucha Project

Heinrich Ehnert, Vessels – conditions for openness

Kristina Lundsjö, Waste Not, Want Not!

Petter Rhodiner, What Happens on Earth Stays on Earth

Daniel Gustafsson, Why don’t you listen to the silence

Explore some of the exhibition’s contributors:

Photo: Martin Thübeck Lobster. Design: Martin Thübeck. Young Swedish Design 2019.
Syns det nu? Design: Nathalie Ruejas Jonson. Young Swedish Design 2019.
Foto: Jeanette Hägglund. 2019. Obsession. Design: Tonje Halvorsen. Young Swedish Design 2019.
Photo: Annelie Grimwade Olofsson Common Ground. Design: Annelie Grimwade Olofsson and G. William Bell. Young Swedish Design 2019.
Photo: Simon Skinner Afropicks. Design: Simon Skinner. Young Swedish Design 2019.
Photo: Mathias Nordgren Russian Soul. Design: Anastasia Jansäter. Young Swedish Design 2019.
Photo: Sandy Haggart Bacteria in a new light. Design: Jan Klingler. Young Swedish Design 2019.
Photo: Tina Umer Outside Material; The Transfiguration of Lines. Design: Robert Curran. Young Swedish Design 2019.
Photo: Maja Michaelsdotter Eriksson Kött och blod. Design: Maja Michaelsdotter Eriksson. Young Swedish Design 2019.