Reports and publications

Designed Living Environment – Quality of Life in Time and Space

Photo: Werner Nystrand. 2020. Vattentorget, Växjö.

Sweden’s goal for architecture, design, and planning is clear: all design should contribute to a sustainable, equitable, and less segregated society, fostering thoughtfully crafted living environments. Everyone must have the opportunity to influence the development of shared spaces. But how do we get there? Is society moving in the right direction?

Discover the report ‘Quality of Life in Time and Space’, ArkDes’ annual follow-up on the Policy for Designed Living Environments. The report features a groundbreaking survey on public perceptions of the built environment, along with interviews with researchers and practitioners. It identifies challenges, opportunities, and actionable insights to help turn policy goals into reality.

Watch the release of Quality of Life in Time and Space in retrospect:

On June 16, 2022, the report was presented during a digital seminar. In Swedish.

Linda Kummel – Head of ArkDes Think Tank

Karin Svensson – Project leader ArkDes Think Tank

Maria Burén – Coordinator ArkDes Think Tank

Madeléne Beckman – Moderator