Young Swedish Design 2017
Discover the most intriguing new designs from Sweden’s young creatives. The exhibition Young Swedish Design displays unique pieces from a range of disciplines: from product design to crafts.
Young Swedish Design (Ung Svensk Form) is an arena for young Swedish designers, underlining the need to provide creative spaces within design work. Having faith in your idea and executing it. Daring to play, test and explore freely, without demands on market adaptations.
The exhibition is the result of an award with the same name. Young Swedish Design 2017 is a co-production by ArkDes and Svensk Form (The Swedish Society of Crafts and Design), with support from IKEA, The City of Malmö and Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair.
Björn Bondesson, Sundet
Caroline Hultqvist, Utan Titel
Elias Högberg, A Border Between
Emeli Höcks, Compostable Composite
Evelina Kollberg, Människofällan
Hilda Nilsson, Digital Coiling: Machine and Material
Johanna Nestor, Den samtida kakelugnen
Jonatan Appelfeldt, Marbelous
Julia Madås, Moiré
Karin Bodin, The New Man and the Sea
Karin Forslund, Balancing Process II
Katja Beckman, Yellow 3
Lisa Wallert, Embodied
Maja Michaelsdotter Eriksson, Fuck You All
Martha Brauer, Mediating Objects
Martin Molin, Marble Machine
Peter Herrmann, Identitet och förpackningskoncept till Robert Rudinskis ungerska fruktbrännvin
Polat Ghasemloo, Den prekära konsthantverkaren del II
Sophie Hardy, Breaking Surface
Tessa Geuze, Identity of Things