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Report release: Visions in the North step 2

Hear six teams present their proposals to address current societal challenges in Norrbotten and Västerbotten.

The Council for Sustainable Cities invites you to a seminar where six interdisciplinary creative teams present their reports with innovative ideas for creating long-term sustainable living environments in Norrbotten and Västerbotten.

The seminar is opened by Andreas Carlson, Minister for Infrastructure and Housing, and feature engaging presentations and in-depth discussions with teams, participating municipalities, and experts.

In close collaboration with the municipalities of Boden, Gällivare, Kiruna, Luleå, Skellefteå, and Umeå, the teams have explored new solutions for the housing and communities of the future as part of Visions in the North step 2.

Click here to learn more about the project and read the reports: LINK.

Watch the report release in retrospect (in Swedish):

Andreas Carlson, Minister for Infrastructure and Housing

Kris Johnson-Jones (Moderator), Senior Strategist at ArkDes

Karin Nilsson, Acting Director General at ArkDes

Jessica Segerlund, Head of ArkDes Think Tank

Martin Allik & Mari Bergseth, representatives for Team När horisonter möts

Anna Sundman, representative for Team Boden

Pelle Backman, David Sandström & Tomas Mazetti, representatives for Team VEX

Johan Eriksson Buhr, City Architect, Gällivare Municipality

Gustav Hamlund, Urban Development Strategist, Boden Municipality

Lone-Pia Bach, Architect, Professor of Conservation at the Royal Institute of Art, and Expert in Visioner i Norr

Anna Flatholm, City Architect, Umeå Municipality

Erika Henriksson & Fredrik Eklöf, representatives for Team Berätta mig vidare

David Doms & Helena Lannér, representatives for Team Isspår

Jenny Nordmark & Dan Hallemar, representatives for Team Örviksgruppen

Sigrid Vestling, Urban Development Strategist, Kiruna Municipality

Jenny Lindberg, Strategic Urban Planner, Luleå Municipality

Harriet Wistemar, Municipal Architect, Skellefteå Municipality

Anders Berensson, Architect, Senior Lecturer at KTH, and Expert in Visioner i Norr

Nils Björling, Senior Lecturer in Urban Design, Architecture, and Civil Engineering at Chalmers, as well as Follow-Up Researcher and Expert in Visioner i Norr

Visions in the North step 2

Visions in the North step 2 is initiated by the Council for Sustainable Cities ↗, the government’s initiative for sustainable urban development. ArkDes, Boverket ↗Energimyndigheten ↗Vinnova ↗ and Formas ↗ are behind the initiative, together with the municipalities of Kiruna ↗Gällivare ↗Boden ↗Luleå ↗Skellefteå ↗ and Umeå ↗.