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Designed Living Environment – Sustainability, Quality and Economics

Graphic design and image: Magdalena Czarnecki The Passagen House, Quarter Hästen (formerly Quarter Torsken). Bengt Lindroos. 1969. ArkDes collection.

How should we live, work, and shape our lives to address the economic, social, and environmental challenges of transitioning to a sustainable society? The 2023 follow-up report on the Policy for Designed Living Environment focuses on one of the policy’s key targets: ensuring that sustainability and quality are not overshadowed by short-term economic considerations.

Titled ‘Sustainability, Quality, and Economy’, the report is an annual review commissioned by the Swedish Ministry of Culture. It highlights the policy’s core belief in the transformative power of design and the role of architecture, form, design, art, and cultural environments in building a sustainable, equitable, and inclusive society.

Drawing on expert interviews, research studies, case examples, and surveys with architecture, construction, and real estate firms, ArkDes emphasizes in the report the need to reassess working methods and funding models to prioritize sustainability and quality in architecture, design, construction, and management.

Watch the release of ‘Sustainability, Quality and Economics’ in retrospect:

On March 6, 2024, the report was presented during a digital breakfast seminar. Together with experts in the field, ArkDes discussed the policy’s successes and challenges while offering concrete insights and recommendations for the future.

Ida Sandström – Architect and Senior Lecturer, Lunds universitet

Anders Hall – Architect and Project leader, The Urban Property Management Department, City of Gothenburg

Tommy Lenberg – CEO Byggherrarna

Jessica Segerlund – Head of ArkDes Think Tank

Kris Johnson-Jones (moderator) – Director of Operations at the Arwidsson Foundation and Deputy Editor of this year’s report